

4th International Conference for Psychodrama with Children and Youth

From FRIDAY, September 12th (17:00 h) to SUNDAY, September 14th (13:00h), 2025 


Call for ABSTRACTS of workshops, presentations and posters !


The Professional Committee is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for WORKSHOPS and PRESENTATIONS. These activities will be held parallel, in 90 minutes, with 25-30 participants. 

The official language is English. If you need a translator as a workshop leader or presenter, please, write to the organizators (4thchildrenpsychodramaconf@gmail.com)

The colleagues, who will held a workshop/presentation, will have the opportunity to pay early bird fees after the early bird deadline.


The Professional Committee is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for POSTER PRESENTATIONS. The Poster Section is scheduled for the beginning to the end of the Conference at the conference hall (there will be tables for each poster station for handouts or other materials).
Poster is an excellent opportunity to share and highlight your expertise, specialty of your practice, interesting case presentation or any other topic related to the title of the Conference.

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS for any presentation/workshop/poster:

Workshop/Presentation/Poster Leaders Information

Photo, Name, Professional titles, Professional affiliation

Short description of work experience, highlighting your key areas of expertise in children and youth psychodrama (maximum 100 words)

Workshop/Presentation/Poster Title and Abstract

A representative title and a brief description of your workshop/ presentation/ poster, including key topics, objectives and/or the experiential activities planned (maximum 250 words)

Workshop/Presentation Requirements

Please, indicate any special needs, such as technical equipment, room setup, materials etc. for you activity, to have a good frame for to ensure a smooth workshop experience.


Please submit your proposal until February, 28th, 2025 to the Conference Professional Committee,  address:  4thchildrenpsychodramaconf@gmail.com


Proposals will be evaluated by the Professional Committee, based on the relevance to the topic of the Conference and the potential impact on participants’ practice. Notifications of acceptance will be sent until March, 15th, 2025.

 ! The abstracts will be uploaded after March, 15th, 2025.